What a wonderful collection of reflections on dusk and darkness. I particularly appreciate the idea of the twilight pause. It sounds like such a comforting rhythm to observe in our days. I wonder if I could observe it somehow amidst the rush unnatural rhythms that dominate daily life... Thanks for your post.

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i was walking down a mountain - little Si - in Washington state the other day, far to late but also early enough as we had heaved ourselves up to catch the sunset and came down to the twilight glooming. Collectively despite the rocky pathways and reason we choose not to illuminate the path as our eyes adjusted accordingly, and more so our way. Somehow we entered into the resting state and we're in a walking meditation, our feet knowing where to go despite our eyes not really being able to see in as we were used to perceiving. It was quite the remarkable feeling, this other knowing, one i imagine was far more ordinary a couple of century's ago and we all were immensely heightened by this ancestral movement.

eventually we turned on the headlamps so we could hurry our scurrying, heeding the mews and hisses of the owls warning us to get off the dark mountain, it being their time.

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I love when you write about the interplay of day and night in your side of the world Freya. Specially because it is fascinatingly different than mine. You make me dream with your beautiful narrative. Now I’m summoning the phantoms of a life I never lived somewhere in the northern hemisphere with its beauty and dread. I love this piece and will look forward to your explorations of the changing light.

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"Revenge bedtime procrastination isn’t a revenge on ourselves, it’s a revenge on social control. Night is a time when many can finally find time to themselves while the cares and work of the day sleep."

I love this paragraph. Too much of my day amounts to me trying to escape all the corners I've painted myself into. I would love to reclaim the night, to take revenge on this aspect of social control. But what about the early mornings I love so much? Grr. Truth is, I wish I didn't have to sleep, which is all too often the REAL struggle. Ugh.

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